How do I withdraw from my programme?
We are very sorry to hear you are considering withdrawing from your programme.
The first thing we would suggest you do is consider suspending you studies rather than withdrawing. We would recommend you visit the relevant pages on myNapier, where you can find full information on what is involved with suspending your studies. We would also of course always suggest discussing this with your programme leader. We would also ask you to note that:
- that suspensions can only be backdated in exceptional circumstances;
- you are not allowed to engage with assessments or re-assessments during suspension;
- you can take up to three trimesters of study suspend time;
- that when returning from suspension you must recommence your studies at the start of the trimester;
If you are happy to go ahead with suspending your studies, all you need to do is email the Global Online team and confirm that you wish to do so. The team will then put a request through to suspend your studies, and you will receive a notification that this has been done, along with instructions on what to do when you wish to return to studies.
However, if you still wish to withdraw completely from your programme then please email the Global Online Support Team directly and inform them of your decision. They will then carry out the necessary steps to formally withdraw you from your programme at Edinburgh Napier University.