
What is plagiarism?

The Univesity define plagiarism as 'the unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work either in an examination or assessment of material derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another.'


This means you are not able to use work from others and label it is as your own. 

 Plagiarism is considered a breach of academic conduct regulations which is considered a serious offence that is dealt with according to the University's Academic Conduct Regulations

The University uses TurnitinUK to identify sections of text which match external sources and to evaluate these matches for plagiarism. 

For more information you may wish to visit the Be Wise Don't Plagiarise section of MyNapier. 





What is Turnitin®UK?

Why do I need to use Turnitin®UK?

What form of Referencing does the Business school use?


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