
Can I defer my Graduation?

Yes, it is possible for you to defer your graduation if you need to.

To do this, you would need to contact our Graduations team to inform them that you would like to do so, and they will move your graduation date until the next ceremony. You will not receive your degree parchment until you have applied for graduation and your degree has been conferred at the ceremony. Please note that you can only defer your graduation date once and that our Graduation ceremonies only run twice a year.

For more information on our graduations and full details on how to apply, please visit our graduation page here - https://my.napier.ac.uk/your-studies/graduations.  You can also contact our Graduations Team directly at graduations@napier.ac.uk


How do I graduate?

I do not wish to attend a Graduation Awards Ceremony, how do I get my parchment?

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