
What do I do if I can’t access my student email account/the Student Portal?

If you are having problems accessing your student email account, the Student Portal, or any of our services where you are required to log in, we always ask that you double check you are using the correct login details first.

If you are still having issues with accessing, please contact our Information Services team at ISServiceDesk@napier.ac.uk, and they will be able to assist. Please ensure you include your name and student number in your email. If you are unsure who to contact, you can email Global Online Support at globalonlinesupport@napier.ac.uk and the team will be able to advise.

Please ensure that you always remember to email from your student email address. As per the University’s regulations, we are unable to respond to current students via their personal email address. If you are unable to access your student account, then you can contact Information Services at the email address above, from your personal email address, and they will resolve this for you.



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